Katie Bickerstaffe
Non-Executive Director
Appointed to the Board
October 2024
Experience and competencies
Katie is a highly regarded retail and consumer business leader, bringing strong perspectives on digital business models and transformation programmes to the Aberdeen board.
During her executive career, Katie held numerous leadership positions, including as Co-Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of multinational food, clothing and homewares retailer, M&S; Executive Chair and CEO Designate at energy provider SSE; and CEO, UK & Ireland at Dixons Carphone.
She also served in managing director roles at the Somerfield Stores group and was Dyson Appliances’ group HR director. Previously, she held various roles at PepsiCo and Unilever.
Board committee(s)
- Remuneration Committee
External appointments
- Chair of the Remuneration Committee of Barratt Redrow plc
- Senior Independent Director of Diploma plc
- Senior Independent Director of England and Wales Cricket Board
- Non-Executive Director of Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust