For debt investors
We’re committed to our debt investors, so we work hard to:
- Consider your needs
- Make our communications clear and concise
- Respond quickly and thoroughly
- Price fairly, for debt investors and for Aberdeen.
Credit ratings
Aberdeen Group plc
- Issuer Credit Rating BBB+ / Stable from Standard & Poor’s
- Issuer rating Baa1 / Stable from Moody's.
For more information, visit the Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s websites.
All information contained in Moody's Global Credit Research Reports is the copyright of Moody's Investors Service Inc. All information contained in Standard & Poor's Research Reports is the copyright of Standard & Poor's, a division of the McGraw-Hill Companies.
Aberdeen accepts no responsibility for the information contained in any of the reports. The information is provided for general information purposes only and not endorsed or promoted by Aberdeen in any way.
Subordinated capital instruments
We benefit from a strong capital position, and our subordinated debt is an important component of this. Our capital management strategy is to maximise shareholder value by optimising the level and mix of capital resources.
Issuance of subordinated capital instruments is a common capital-raising practice. Aberdeen Group plc and its subsidiaries have in issue the instruments shown below:
Issuer | Instrument rating | Outstanding amount | Issue Date | First Call Date | Maturity | Coupon |
Aberdeen Group plc | Baa2/BBB | $750m | October 2017 | Not applicable | June 2028 | 4.25% |
Aberdeen Group plc | Baa3/BB+ | £210m | December 2021 | December 2026 | Perpetual | 5.25% |
As the instruments are subordinated, the rights and claims of our policyholders will come before those of the institutions investing in them.
Subordinated instruments documentation
Issuer | Launch Date | Size | Historical Prospectus |
Aberdeen Group plc | October 2017 | $750m | $750m Notes, Terms and Conditions (438kb) |
Aberdeen Group plc | December 2021 | £210m | £210m Notes, Terms and Conditions (2,400kb) |